Wednesday, April 20, 2011

73: PMC GYM Easter Fellowship 20 Apr 2011

The theme of the fellowship was "Were you there when they crucified my Lord".
Rev Jimmy Wong opened the session with a prayer.

This was followed by the singing of evergreen songs. The audience were encouraged to dance to the tunes.

Two games were played: "Blowing the candle while blindfolded" and "Throwing darts".

Then 2 guest singers (Michael Jee and Albert Wong) performed to the delight of the audience. This was follwed by a personal testimony of a miracle healing from Florence Lee and another from Alfred Koh.

After the Peranakan Singers had sung "Pada kaki salibMu" and "What a friend we have in Jesus", Rev Aaron delivered a sermon on the crucifixion of Jesus and called for a commitment to confess Jesus as Saviour for those who have not done so.

The fellowship ended with a buffet dinner.
More photos are available at PMC GYM's Facebook page >>>
View a Slideshow of the event >>>

Thursday, April 14, 2011

72: You are cordially invited to attend:

Day/Date: Wed 20 Apr 2011. Time: 2.30pm-5.30pm Venue: PMC Chapel, level 4

71: PMC GYM 13 Apr 2011

The fellowship had its usual session of evergreen songs followed by worship & praise songs before refreshment break.
During break, the Peranakan Singers had a practice session for next week's Easter Fellowship, and the Malang Mission team had a training session.

The fellowship had its usual session of evergreen songs followed by worship & praise songs before refreshment break.
During break, the Peranakan Singers had a practice session for next week's Easter Fellowship.
(Below): Breakout sessions:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

70: PMC GYM 6 Apr 2011

The fellowship started on a lively note with songs of yesteryears with some members dancing to the tune. This was followed by Praise & Worship led by Aloysius Tan.

The day's guest speaker was Rev Lawrence Seow who spoke on "Finishing Well". He also intoduced his book "Memoirs of an Evangelist".

After refreshment break, there were 3 breakout sessions:
1: Malang Mission Trip Briefing
2: Song practice for Easter Fellowship by the Peranakan Ten Singers
Song practice 1 >>>
Song practice 2 >>>
3: Relaxercise activities like Line Dance, Board Games & Karaoke.
More fotos are available at Facebook >>>

Friday, April 1, 2011

69: Coming soon on Wed 20 Apr 2011

Among the highlights:
1: The Peranakan Sisters will be singing "Yesus ada Sobat kita"
2: The Peranakan Male Quartet will be singing "Pada kaki salibmu"
3: Refreshments, Snacks & Finger-food

So come, and invite your friends to come, too!