Saturday, August 28, 2010

36: Kuiz Alkitab at Batam GMI Gloria

Yes, I presented this Kuiz Alkitab (Bible Quiz) at GMI Gloria on 14 Aug 2010. A small gift was given to each one who gave the right answer. The participants really liked it.
View the quiz here >>>

Friday, August 27, 2010

35: Here's how I looked on the last Western Country Round-Up

Yep, pardner, that's me with the beige 10-gallon hat, a red bandana and a gun holster. And I won a prize for dressing up, too!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

34: GYM Country Round-up on 8 Sep

Get your ticket from Charles Koh the next time you attend GYM at PMC.

And when you attend the function, do come dressed in your western finery: as a cowboy/girl, sheriff, Red Indian, trapper etc...whatever that triggers your fancy for a good wild, wild west fellowship on 8 Sep 2010! Do come!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

33: Just back from GYM Batam Mission Trip

Eleven of us from PMC GYM went on a Mission Trip to Batam from 14 - 16 Aug 2010. To view videos of the events there, go to: and see them under the caption "Missions".

Thursday, August 5, 2010

32: Come & Enjoy GYM

Yes, come and enjoy GYM (Glowing Years Ministry) activities if you are aged 50 and above. Guess the age of the oldest attendee? He is Mr Mah aged 90+. Wow!
See details of GYM activities from this video >>>