Wednesday, March 30, 2011

68: PMC GYM 30 Mar 2011

The fellowship began with songs of yesteryears, followed by praise & worship songs.

There were two testimonies, one by Alfred Koh and one by Mrs Yap.

After refreshments (snacks cooked by George Wee and Charles Koh), leisure and recreational activities were carried out.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

67: PMC GYM 23 Mar 2011

When the fellowship started, the attendees were reminded to wear their name tags to enable them to get to know one another easily.

Birthday greetings were extended to Florence. Rev Rodney from Katong Presbyterian Church spoke on Missions. He also brought some books on missions to give away.

After refreshments were served, the attendees participated in activities such as Board games, Line dancing and Karaoke.

More fotos are available at Facebook >>>

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

66: PMC GYM 3rd Karaoke Contest - 16 Mar 2011

The PMC GYM Karaoke Contest started promptly at 2pm. The spectators trooped in with great expectancy of an enjoyable and entertaining afternoon.

Ten brave and talented contestants participated in the Karaoke Competition.

The Guest Artistes wowed the gathering with their beautiful rendition of songs.

The Sarong-Kebaya Contestants impressed the audience with their beautiful nonya dressing.

Richard and Connie entertained the gathering with a hilarious comic skit, while Michael sang to encourage the Line Dancers to do their best.
Here's a video of the Encore Performance, done ad-libbed.
The occasion concluded with a Buffet Dinner.

More photos are available at Pmc Gym on Facebook >>>

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

65: PMC GYM 2 Mar 2011

The GYM fellowship was well-attended. The highlight of the day was a talk "Preparing for your Golden Years".

The talk was delivered by Mr Albert Lim, a retired Financial Adviser.
Mrs Evelyn Ong gave a testimony on her recent hospitalisation.

After Refreshment Break, the attendees participated in Board Games, Line Dancing and Karaoke.
All in all, it was a happy and fruitful fellowship enjoyed by all the participants.
More pictures are available at Facebook's Pmc Gym. Do go there and view >>>