Friday, February 26, 2010

16: CMC GYM's Spring Festival 2010

It was an enjoyable gathering that I attended. There were so many people who volunteered to sing that I was truly amazed at the quality and the spontaneity of the performers. Keep it up, Kenneth, Richard, Michael and all those who made the session a truly memorable one for me.

Here's a brief video of the event. Click here to view it >>>

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

15: Trek thru Pulau Ubin

People who attend GYM and have become friends don't have to wait for the leaders to organize outings. They sometimes do it themselves. That's initiative. Here's one such example.

To view a short video of the event at Pulau Ubin, click here >>> More than a hundred netizens have viewed it already!

14: Barker Road MC Dance Item

Barker Road MC presented a lively dance item at the TRAC Seniors Aldersgate celebration held in the ACS Performing Arts Centre in Barker Road.
To view Barker Road MC's dance item, click here >>>

Friday, February 19, 2010

13: TRAC Seniors Aldersgate Celebration

An important TRAC Seniors event in 2009 was the Aldersgate Celebration. It was held in the prestigious ACS (Barker Road) Performing Arts Centre.

To view a short video of the above event, click here >>>

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

12: PMC GYM 2009 Video

Someone said to me: "You must do a video for GYM 2009 since you did one for 2008. It helps us to reminisce."
"So, ok," I replied, "if that's a good reason as any, I'll do it soon, but only with photos of those sessions I attended unless you can email me some photos."

And now... the video is ready.   Click here to view it >>>

Thursday, February 4, 2010

11: PMC GYM Christmas Celebration 2009

Held in the Multiple-Purpose Hall of PMC, the Christmas celebration attracted a turn-out of 200 on 30 Dec 2009.
It also doubled as a GYM farewell to Ps Jon.

I was assigned the task of creating and running the music videos and PowerPoint slideshow.

To see a short video of the event, click here.

10: Seniors' Fellowship at Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church

Now that Chinese New Year is only ten days away, it reminds me of a Seniors' CNY gathering at Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church which we attended 2 years ago.
I must say they really knew how to celebrate Chinese New Year reflecting God's abundant blessing!
After the singing and the fun activities and line-dancing, and after pastor's encouraging message to the seniors, they had "lohei" or raw fish salad (see below:)

And of course, followed by a steamboat spread:

And all in their church compound!

There's a short video clip of the event.

Click here to view it

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

9: Humorous Skit at Wesley Sr Fellowship

The WSF people are not abashed at presenting a skit to bring some laughter into the lives of the seniors.

Here's one such example in Hokkien. Hope you can laugh with it. The people in the skit are: Ann as the returning doctor, Kenneth as the angmoh boyfriend, Nancy and Richard as the ah-beng Singaporean parents.
Click here to view it

8: Wesley Seniors' Fellowship

Wesley's Senior Fellowship is held every first Monday of the month from 1.30pm to 5pm.

You meet good people there, especially those whom you have not met for decades.

7: CMC GYM - Volunteering an Item

Apart from their pastor giving a light-hearted sermonette once a month, GYM at Christ MC has a participative approach which I like. They encourage attendees to volunteer an item, be it a solo song, playing an erhu, singing a dialect song or acting out a sketch. Doesn't the Bible say: "Rejoice with those who rejoice" and "Be joyful always", especially when they are old folks living their lives out in good company?

And so, in response to their participative approach, I asked Kenneth whether we could sing a duet in support of Indonesian believers (domestic workers in Singapore and our brethren in Maluku). He said yes.

Here's a slideshow that we used to accompany our duet, background music and singing by Indonesian Gospel singer Meriam Bellina. Sing along with it, won't you?
Click to view this video at Youtube

6: GYM at Christ MC

GYM at Christ MC is held every last Friday of the month. What's unique about CMC GYM is that each session has a party-like theme, eg "Ayam berkeluak", "Roti Prata", "Mediteranean Holiday", "An English Countryside", "Wild, wild West" etc. Suitable music on the theme is selected, compiled and led by Kenneth on the piano, with the accompaniment of saxophonist Michael and Maurice on the drums, interspersed with jokes from Richard. Truly a remarkable assembly of talents, and all in a friendly, informal and non-threatening atmosphere.
Needless to say, the participants attending the CMC GYM come dressed for the theme of the occasion!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

5: Videos of Educational Trip to Israel

This TBSM (TRAC Board of Seniors Ministry) Trip with Pastor Peter Goh of Fairfield MC as the Spiritual Head, and Catherine Seetoh as the Trip Administrator, was scheduled for 10 days.
To view events of the trip, click each video link in turn.

View Day 1-3

View Day 4-5

View Day 5-6

View Day 7

View Day 8

View Day 9-10

4: TBSM Trip to "The Land that Jesus Walked"

We participated in this Educational Trip to Israel organized by Pastor Peter Goh of Fairfield MC for seniors in 2005. Here's my article about the trip in Pentecost Times Dec 2005.

3: My Home Church GYM

My Home Church is PMC (Pentecost Methodist Church) since the time when it used to be Geylang Straits Chinese MC (1956) more than 5 decades ago. So, truly senior by long association, I attend GYM at PMC when I am free as a senior citizen.

Click here to view a video of the year's proceedings - 2008, as well as hear the GYM theme song. That was the year I attended GYM most frequently, mainly because of the sharing sessions.

2: TRAC Board of Seniors Ministry's Inaugural Conference

TBSM (Trac Board of Seniors Ministry) co-ordinates the GYM activities of the Methodist Churches in Singapore. One of its functions is to organize a Seniors' Conference, usually at a location in Peninsular Malaysia.

And so we attended its Inaugural Conference in Malacca in 1999.

Here's a brief video record of the event.
Click here to view it

Monday, February 1, 2010

1: GYM - Glowing Years Ministry

The Glowing Years Ministry is the Methodist Church's seniors' fellowship. The fellowship sessions are organized once a week or once a month, depending on the church's available resources such as manpower and space. Typically, it is for people aged 55 and above to fraternize with one another, sing gospel songs and oldies, hear a sermonette, play board games, participate in line-dancing or karaoke and share a testimony. Usually, refreshments such as snacks and finger food are provided.