Oops - we forgot to create a video of it, but here it is : one year late, (sigh) better late than never.
View it here >>>
Aloysius briefed the fellowship on important announcements of coming events. Albert conducted a Bible Quiz on "Animals of the Bible #2".
After some snacks, the gathering had a break-up session where they proceeded to do line-dance, sing karaoke, chit-chat and play board games such as Rummy-O, Chess and Dum.
As part of the GYM Country Round-up fellowship, I conducted a quiz on Country Trivia.
Here's a video to highlight the quiz >>>
Eleven of us from PMC GYM went on a Mission Trip to Batam from 14 - 16 Aug 2010. To view videos of the events there, go to: http://our-pmc.tripod.com and see them under the caption "Missions".
I conducted this Quiz at a PMC GYM Fellowship on 19 May 2010.
To try this quiz, view it at YouTube >>>
So if you're 50 years and above, come. It's the Glowing Years Ministry fellowship for Senior Citizens of all walks of life. Time: 2.30pm - 5.30pm. Every Wednesday. Venue: Multi-Purpose hall, Level 3 of Pentecost Methodist Church, 4 Pasir Ris Drive 6, Tel: 6584-0445. See you there coming Wednesday!